Is a lay movement begun by St. Ignatius Loyola over 450 years ago. In over 60 countries throughout t the world small groups come together fortnightly to pray, reflect on Scripture and share with one another how God is working in their lives.  We encourage one another to pray daily using Ignatian prayer methods to deepen our personal relationship with Jesus and to use our prayer in making life decisions. We support and encourage one another when facing difficulties and rejoice together in our joys, seeking to integrate our faith and our life. We engage one another in Ignatian spiritual conversation, which enables us to share deeply and respectfully, detecting how the Spirit is working in each of our lives. If you desire to deepen your faith in a loving community join us in prayer on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings, 10am-11:30am, in the OLAH parish hall at St Matthews, 1 Wembley Ave, Bridgewater. Our first meeting of 2024 is February 14th. Subsequent meetings are Feb. 27, March 13 and 27, April 10 and 24.