Sacramental program
Program commences in February up till August 2025
The parish and the school work together to offer preparation for the reception of three sacraments: Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist with Baptism preparation also available on request.
Our Sacramental program is based on the Policy for the Initiation of Children into the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. The policy speaks clearly about the importance of parents as first educators of their children in their journey of faith. The school offers this program in conjunction with the Parish to support you in your Baptismal promise to prepare your child to celebrate the Sacraments.
So if you are interested and need further information, please contact as soon as possible either:
Carla Thompson – St Catherine’s School on 8238 8238
Cathy Oswald – St Matthew’s Parish on 8359 0674
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